Basha Home Run Club
The Basha Bears Home Run Booster Club is a non profit run under the Chandler School Boosters dedicated to supporting the Basha Baseball program. We take pride in being able to supply the program with the funds necessary to have a one of a kind program. In order to do this we coordinate a handful of successful fundraisers each year. Our goal is to provide the best amenities to every player who comes through this program.
Tax ID - 35-2451830
Booster Contacts:
Email: BashaHomeRunClub@gmail.com
Kim Richter: (480) 440-1304 - kim.b.richter@gmail.com
Katy May: (480) 259-0577 - ktluvdanger@gmail.com
Paul Koch: (480) 650-5477 - pandrewkoch@gmail.com​
Liz Hamilton: (602) 568-4843 - lizhamilton329@yahoo.com
Basha Bears Home Run Booster Club Bylaws ​​
Basha Bears Homerun Club 24-25 Budget
Booster Club General Meeting Notes Aug 28
You can donate at any time by clicking the "Donate" button below. All donations are submitted via PayPall!!

*via PayPal
Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have!